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Membership in COSMA benefits both individual SMAs and the SMA community as a whole.

Just like your state museum association, the more individual organizations (SMAs or museums) that join, the stronger you are and more work you can accomplish.

Click here to join

While membership in COSMA is limited to state museum associations (SMAs), we encourage those who support the goals of COSMA to make an individual donation or join our Partners Program.

A group of people stand together wearing conference badges. This photo was taken in 2018 at a COSMA board meeting.

COSMA Benefits the SMA Community

Building the capacity of SMAs to better serve museums and museum professionals

Centralizing communication and collaboration between SMAs and with regional and national partners (including funding agencies)

Strengthening advocacy efforts for the museum field, at both national and state levels

COSMA Benefits Individual SMAs

Participation in a national network of SMAs gives your SMA the opportunity to share and learn from a unique group of people who are doing the same job you are.

You will be able to:

- Make connections through email communications, social media, online engagement and face-to-face meetings of SMAs

- Participate in webinars and facilitated training opportunities designed specifically for SMAs

- Explore the Common Service Model

Special members-only resources on the COSMA website include:

- Master calendar of SMA conferences, webinars and other activities

- Links to policy and program templates from other SMAs

- Specialized “Tool Kit” with resources for skill and capacity building

Coalition of State Museum Associations is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.  

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